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Team Records

*All records below began in 2021

Most Wins

1. 2023 - 20

1. 2022 - 20

2. 2021 - 13


Best Record

1. 2023 - 20-1-1

1. 2022 - 20-1-1

2. 2021 - 13-1-0


Most Shots on Goal

1. 2022 - 511

2. 2023 - 498

3. 2021 - 303


Least Shots Allowed on Goal

1. 2021 - coming soon


Most Goals Scored

1. 2023 - 121

2. 2022 - 118

3. 2021 - 63


Least Goals Allowed

1. 2023 - 15

2. 2021 - 16

3. 2022 - 18


Most Assists Recorded

1. 2023 - 110

1. 2022 - 110

2. 2021 - 44


Most Shutouts

1. 2023 - 11

2. 2022 - 8

3. 2021 - 6

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